05 Custom Parameter (Strange Attractor Inside!)ΒΆ

Download: example_05_custom_parameter.py

Here you can see an example of a custom parameter, how to reload results and use them for analysis. The structure loosely follows the suggestions from How to Structure your Simulations. We will simulate the Lorenz Attractor and integrate with a simple Euler method. We will explore three different initial conditions.

__author__ = 'robert'

import numpy as np
import inspect
from pypet.environment import Environment
from pypet.parameter import Parameter, ArrayParameter
from pypet.trajectory import Trajectory
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# Here we will see how we can write our own custom parameters and how we can use
# it with a trajectory.

# Now we want to do a more sophisticated simulations, we will integrate a differential equation
# with an Euler scheme

# Let's first define our job to do
def euler_scheme(traj, diff_func):

    steps = traj.steps
    initial_conditions = traj.initial_conditions
    dimension = len(initial_conditions)

    # This array will collect the results
    result_array = np.zeros((steps,dimension))
    # Get the function parameters stored into traj as dictionary
    # with the (short) names as keys :
    func_params_dict = traj.func_params.f_to_dict(short_names=True, fast_access=True)
    # Take initial conditions as first result
    result_array[0] = initial_conditions

    # Now we compute the Euler Scheme step-1 times
    for idx in range(1,steps):
        result_array[idx] = diff_func(result_array[idx-1],**func_params_dict) * traj.dt + \
    #Note the **func_params_dict unzips the dictionary, it's the reverse of **kwargs in function
    # definitions!

    #Finally we want to keep the results
    traj.f_add_result('euler_evolution', data=result_array, comment='Our time series data!')

# Ok now we want to make our own (derived) parameter that stores source code of python functions.
# We do NOT want a parameter that stores an executable function. This would complicate
# the problem a lot. If you have something like that in mind, you might wanna take a look
# at the marshal (http://docs.python.org/2/library/marshal) module.
# Our intention here is to define a parameter that we later on use as a derived parameter
# to simply keep track of the source code we use ('git' would be, of course, the better solution
# but this is just an illustrative example)
class FunctionParameter(Parameter):
    # We can go for a a cheap solution and make use of the function _convert_data of the parent.
    # This gets called before adding data to the parameter to turn numpy arrays
    # into read-only numpy arrays. But we will use the function for our purpose to extract
    # the source code:
    def _convert_data(self, val):
        if callable(val):
            return inspect.getsource(val)
            return super(FunctionParameter,self)._convert_data(val)

    # For more complicate parameters you might consider implementing
    # _supports (we do not need it since we convert the data to stuff the parameter already
    #    supports, and that is strings!)
    # and
    # the private functions
    # _values_of_same_type (to tell whether data is similar, i.e. of two data items agree in their
    #   type, this is important to only allow exploration within the same dimension.
    #   For instance, a parameter that stores integers, should only explore integers etc.)
    # and
    # _equal_values (to tell if two data items are equal. This is important for merging if you
    #       want to erase duplicate parameter points. The trajectory needs to know when a
    #       parameter space point was visited before.)
    # and
    # _store (to be able to turn complex data into basic types understood by the storage service)
    # and
    # _load (to be able to recover your complex data form the basic types understood by the storage
    # service
    # but for now we will rely on the parent functions and hope for the best!

# Ok now let's follow the idea in the final section of the cookbook and let's have a part
# that only defines the parameters
def add_parameters(traj):
    traj.f_add_parameter('steps', 10000, comment='Number of time steps to simulate')
    traj.f_add_parameter('dt', 0.01, comment='Step size')
    # Here we want to add the initial conditions as an array parameter, since we will simulate
    # a 3-D differential equation, that will be the lorentz attractor
    traj.f_add_parameter(ArrayParameter,'initial_conditions', np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0]),
                         comment = 'Our initial conditions, as default we will start from'
                                   ' origin!')

    # We will group all parameters of the Lorenz differential equation into the group 'func_params'
    traj.f_add_parameter('func_params.sigma', 10.0)
    traj.f_add_parameter('func_params.beta', 8.0/3.0)
    traj.f_add_parameter('func_params.rho', 28.0)

    #For the fun of it we will annotate the lorenz group
    traj.func_params.v_annotations.info='This group contains as default the original values chosen by' \
                                   ' Edward Lorenz in 1963, check it out on wikipedia ' \

# We need to define the lorenz function, we will assume that the value array is 3 dimensional,
# First dimension is x-component, second y-component, and third the z-component
def diff_lorenz(value_array, sigma, beta, rho):
    diff_array = np.zeros(3)
    diff_array[0] = sigma * (value_array[1]-value_array[0])
    diff_array[1] = value_array[0] * (rho - value_array[2]) - value_array[1]
    diff_array[2] = value_array[0] * value_array[1] - beta * value_array[2]

    return diff_array

# And here goes our main function
def main():

    env = Environment(trajectory='Example_05_Euler_Integration',
                      comment = 'Go for Euler!')

    traj = env.v_trajectory
    trajectory_name = traj.v_name

    # 1st  phase parameter addition

    # 2nd phase preparation
    # We will add the differential equation (well, its source code only) as a derived parameter
    traj.f_add_derived_parameter(FunctionParameter,'diff_eq', diff_lorenz,
                                 comment='Source code of our equation!')

    # We want to explore some initial conditions
    traj.f_explore({'initial_conditions' : [
    # 3 different conditions are enough for now, I am tired of typing

    # 3rd phase let's run the experiment
    # We pass 'euler_scheme' as our top-level simulation function and
    # the lorenz equation 'diff_lorenz' as an additional argument

    # 4th phase post-processing.
    # I would recommend post-processing completely independent from the simulation
    # but for simplicity let's do it here.

    #Let's assume that we start all over again and load the entire trajectory new:
    traj = Trajectory(filename='experiments/example_05/HDF5/example_05.hdf5')

    # We will only fully load parameters and derived parameters and results manually later on
        # However this will fail, because our trajectory does not know how to
        # build the FunctionParameter
    except ImportError as e:

        print 'That did\'nt work, I am sorry. %s ' % e.message

        # Ok, let's try again but this time with adding our parameter to the imports
        traj = Trajectory(filename='experiments/example_05/HDF5/example_05.hdf5',

        # Now it works:

    #For the fun of it, let's print the source code
    print '\n ---------- The source code of your function ---------- \n %s' % traj.diff_eq

    # Let's get the exploration array:
    initial_conditions_exploration_array = traj.f_get('initial_conditions').f_get_array()
    # Now let's plot our simulated equations for the different initial conditions:
    # We will iterate through the run names
    for idx,run_name in enumerate(traj.f_get_run_names()):

        #Get the result of run idx from the trajectory
        euler_result = traj.results.f_get(run_name).euler_evolution
        # Now we manually need to load the result. Actually the results are not so large and we
        # could load them all at once, but for demonstration we do as if they were huge:
        euler_data = euler_result.data

        #Plot fancy 3d plot
        fig = plt.figure(idx)
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        x = euler_data[:,0]
        y = euler_data[:,1]
        z = euler_data[:,2]
        ax.plot(x, y, z, label='Initial Conditions: %s' % str(initial_conditions_exploration_array[idx]))

        # Now we free the data again (because we assume its huuuuuuge):
        del euler_data

    # You have to click through the images to stop the example_05 module!

if __name__ == '__main__':