Wrapping an Existing Project (Cellular Automata Inside!)

Here you can find out how to wrap pypet around an already existing simulation. The original project (original.py) simulates elementary cellular automata.

The code explores different starting conditions and automata rules. pypetwrap.py shows how to include pypet into the project without changing much of the original code. Basically, the core code of the simulation is left untouched. Only the boilerplate of the main script changes and a short wrapper function is needed that passes parameters from the trajectory to the core simulation.

Moreover, introducing pypet allows much easier exploration of the parameter space. Now exploring different parameter sets requires no more code changes.

Download: original.py

Download: pypetwrap.py

Original Project

""" This module contains a simulation of 1 dimensional cellular automata

We also simulate famous rule 110: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_110


__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle

from pypet import progressbar #  I don't want to write another progressbar, so I use this here

def convert_rule(rule_number):
    """ Converts a rule given as an integer into a binary list representation.

    It reads from left to right (contrary to the Wikipedia article given below),
    i.e. the 2**0 is found on the left hand side and 2**7 on the right.

    For example:

        ``convert_rule(30)`` returns [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]

    The resulting binary list can be interpreted as
    the following transition table:

         neighborhood  new cell state
                000     0
                001     1
                010     1
                011     1
                100     1
                101     0
                110     0
                111     0

    For more information about this rule
    see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_30

    binary_rule = [(rule_number // pow(2,i)) % 2 for i in range(8)]
    return np.array(binary_rule)

def make_initial_state(name, ncells, seed=42):
    """ Creates an initial state for the automaton.

    :param name:

        Either ``'single'`` for a single live cell in the middle of the cell ring,
        or ``'random'`` for uniformly distributed random pattern of zeros and ones.

    :param ncells: Number of cells in the automaton

    :param seed: Random number seed for the ``#random'`` condition

    :return: Numpy array of zeros and ones (or just a one lonely one surrounded by zeros)

    :raises: ValueError if the ``name`` is unknown

    if name == 'single':
        just_one_cell = np.zeros(ncells)
        just_one_cell[int(ncells/2)] = 1.0
        return just_one_cell
    elif name == 'random':
        random_init = np.random.randint(2, size=ncells)
        return random_init
        raise ValueError('I cannot handel your initial state `%s`.' % name)

def plot_pattern(pattern, rule_number, filename):
    """ Plots an automaton ``pattern`` and stores the image under a given ``filename``.

    For axes labels the ``rule_number`` is also required.

    plt.xlabel('Cell No.')
    plt.ylabel('Time Step')
    plt.title('CA with Rule %s' % str(rule_number))

def cellular_automaton_1D(initial_state, rule_number, steps):
    """ Simulates a 1 dimensional cellular automaton.

    :param initial_state:

        The initial state of *dead* and *alive* cells as a 1D numpy array.
        It's length determines the size of the simulation.

    :param rule_number:

        The update rule as an integer from 0 to 255.

    :param steps:

        Number of cell iterations


        A 2D numpy array (steps x len(initial_state)) containing zeros and ones representing
        the automaton development over time.


    ncells = len(initial_state)
    # Create an array for the full pattern
    pattern = np.zeros((steps, ncells))

    # Pass initial state:
    pattern[0,:] = initial_state

    # Get the binary rule list
    binary_rule = convert_rule(rule_number)

    # Conversion list to get the position in the binary rule list
    neighbourhood_factors = np.array([1, 2, 4])

    # Iterate over all steps to compute the CA
    all_cells = range(ncells)
    for step in range(steps-1):
        current_row = pattern[step, :]
        next_row = pattern[step+1, :]
        for irun in all_cells:
            # Get the neighbourhood
            neighbour_indices = range(irun - 1, irun + 2)
            neighbourhood = np.take(current_row, neighbour_indices, mode='wrap')
            # Convert neighborhood to decimal
            decimal_neighborhood = int(np.sum(neighbourhood * neighbourhood_factors))
            # Get next state from rule book
            next_state = binary_rule[decimal_neighborhood]
            # Update next state of cell
            next_row[irun] = next_state

    return pattern

def main():
    """ Main simulation function """
    rules_to_test = [10, 30, 90, 110, 184]  # rules we want to explore:
    steps = 250  # cell iterations
    ncells = 400  # number of cells
    seed = 100042  # RNG seed
    initial_states = ['single', 'random']  # Initial states we want to explore

    # create a folder for the plots and the data
    folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'experiments', 'ca_patterns_original')
    if not os.path.isdir(folder):
    filename = os.path.join(folder, 'all_patterns.p')

    print('Computing all patterns')
    all_patterns = []  # list containing the simulation results
    for idx, rule_number in enumerate(rules_to_test):
        # iterate over all rules
        for initial_name in initial_states:
            # iterate over the initial states

            # make the initial state
            initial_state = make_initial_state(initial_name, ncells, seed=seed)
            # simulate the automaton
            pattern = cellular_automaton_1D(initial_state, rule_number, steps)
            # keep the resulting pattern
            all_patterns.append((rule_number, initial_name, pattern))

        # Print a progressbar, because I am always impatient
        #  (ok that's already from pypet, but it's really handy!)
        progressbar(idx, len(rules_to_test), reprint=True)

    # Store all patterns to disk
    with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
        pickle.dump(all_patterns, file=file)

    # Finally print all patterns
    print('Plotting all patterns')
    for idx, pattern_tuple in enumerate(all_patterns):
        rule_number, initial_name, pattern = pattern_tuple
        # Plot the pattern
        filename = os.path.join(folder, 'rule_%s_%s.png' % (str(rule_number), initial_name))
        plot_pattern(pattern, rule_number, filename)
        progressbar(idx, len(all_patterns), reprint=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Using pypet

""" Module that shows how to wrap *pypet* around an existing project

Thanks to *pypet* the module is now very flexible.
You can immediately start exploring different sets
of parameters, like different seeds or cell numbers.
Accordingly, you can simply change ``exp_dict`` to explore different sets.

On the contrary, this is tedious in the original code
and requires some effort of refactoring.


__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

import os
import logging

from pypet import Environment, cartesian_product, progressbar

# Lets import the stuff we already have:
from original import cellular_automaton_1D, make_initial_state, plot_pattern

def make_filename(traj):
    """ Function to create generic filenames based on what has been explored """
    explored_parameters = traj.f_get_explored_parameters()
    filename = ''
    for param in explored_parameters.values():
        short_name = param.v_name
        val = param.f_get()
        filename += '%s_%s__' % (short_name, str(val))

    return filename[:-2] + '.png' # get rid of trailing underscores and add file type

def wrap_automaton(traj):
    """ Simple wrapper function for compatibility with *pypet*.

    We will call the original simulation functions with data extracted from ``traj``.

    The resulting automaton patterns wil also be stored into the trajectory.

    :param traj: Trajectory container for data

    # Make initial state
    initial_state = make_initial_state(traj.initial_name, traj.ncells, traj.seed)
    # Run simulation
    pattern = cellular_automaton_1D(initial_state, traj.rule_number, traj.steps)
    # Store the computed pattern
    traj.f_add_result('pattern', pattern, comment='Development of CA over time')

def main():
    """ Main *boilerplate* function to start simulation """
    # Now let's make use of logging
    logger = logging.getLogger()

    # Create folders for data and plots
    folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'experiments', 'ca_patterns_pypet')
    if not os.path.isdir(folder):
    filename = os.path.join(folder, 'all_patterns.hdf5')

    # Create an environment
    env = Environment(trajectory='cellular_automata',

    # extract the trajectory
    traj = env.v_traj

    traj.v_lazy_adding = True
    traj.par.ncells = 400, 'Number of cells'
    traj.par.steps = 250, 'Number of timesteps'
    traj.par.rule_number = 30, 'The ca rule'
    traj.par.initial_name = 'random', 'The type of initial state'
    traj.par.seed = 100042, 'RNG Seed'

    # Explore
    exp_dict = {'rule_number' : [10, 30, 90, 110, 184],
                'initial_name' : ['single', 'random'],}
    # # You can uncomment the ``exp_dict`` below to see that changing the
    # # exploration scheme is now really easy:
    # exp_dict = {'rule_number' : [10, 30, 90, 110, 184],
    #             'ncells' : [100, 200, 300],
    #             'seed': [333444555, 123456]}
    exp_dict = cartesian_product(exp_dict)

    # Run the simulation
    logger.info('Starting Simulation')

    # Load all data

    logger.info('Printing data')
    for idx, run_name in enumerate(traj.f_iter_runs()):
        # Plot all patterns
        filename = os.path.join(folder, make_filename(traj))
        plot_pattern(traj.crun.pattern, traj.rule_number, filename)
        progressbar(idx, len(traj), logger=logger)

    # Finally disable logging and close all log-files

if __name__ == '__main__':