Parameters and Results

This module contains implementations of result and parameter containers.

Results and parameters are the leaf nodes of the Trajectory tree. Instances of results can only be found under the subtree traj.results, whereas parameters are used to handle data kept under traj.config, traj.parameters, and traj.derived_parameters.

Result objects can handle more than one data item and heterogeneous data. On the contrary, parameters only handle single data items. However, they can contain ranges - arrays of homogeneous data items - to allow parameter exploration.

The module contains the following parameters:

  • BaseParameter

    Abstract base class to define the parameter interface

  • Parameter

    Standard parameter that handles a variety of different data types.

  • ArrayParameter

    Parameter class for larger numpy arrays and python tuples

  • SparseParameter

    Parameter for Scipy sparse matrices

  • PickleParameter

    Parameter that can handle all objects that can be pickled

The module contains the following results:

  • BaseResult

    Abstract base class to define the result interface

  • Result

    Standard result that handles a variety of different data types

  • SparseResult

    Result that can handle Scipy sparse matrices

  • PickleResult

    Result that can handle all objects that can be pickled

Moreover, part of this module is also the ObjectTable. This is a specification of pandas DataFrames which maintains data types. It prevents auto-conversion of data to numpy data types, like python integers to numpy 64 bit integers, for instance.


class pypet.parameter.Parameter(full_name, data=None, comment='')

The standard container that handles access to simulation parameters.

Parameters are simple container objects for data values. They handle single values as well as the so called exploration range. An array containing multiple values which are accessed one after the other in individual simulation runs.

Parameter exploration is usually initiated through the trajectory see :func:~pypet.trajectory.Trajectory.f_explore and :func:~pypet.trajectory.Trajectory.f_expand.

To access the parameter’s data value one can call the f_get() method.

Parameters support the concept of locking. Once a value of the parameter has been accessed, the parameter cannot be changed anymore unless it is explicitly unlocked using f_unlock(). Locking prevents parameters from being changed during runtime of a simulation.

Supported data values for the parameter are

  • python natives (int, long, str, bool, float, complex),
  • numpy natives, arrays and matrices of type np.int8-64, np.uint8-64, np.float32-64, np.complex, np.str
  • python homogeneous non-nested tuples

Note that for larger numpy arrays it is recommended to use the ArrayParameter.

In case you create a new parameter you can pass the following arguments:

  • full_name – The full name of the parameter. Grouping can be achieved by using colons.
  • data

    A data value that is handled by the parameter. It is checked whether the parameter f_supports() the data. If not a TypeError is thrown. If the parameter becomes explored, the data value is kept as a default. After simulation the default value will be restored.

    The data can be accessed as follows:

    >>> param.f_get()

    To change the data after parameter creation one can call f_set():

    >>> param.f_set(43)
    >>> param.f_get()
  • comment

    A useful comment describing the parameter. The comment can be changed later on using the ‘v_comment’ variable.

    >>> param.v_comment = 'Example comment'
    >>> print param.v_comment
    'Example comment'

TypeError: If data is not supported by the parameter.

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('traffic.mobiles.ncars',data=42, comment='I am a neat example')

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

f_ann_to_string(*args, **kwargs)

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

DEPRECATED: Please use f_ann_to_str() instead.


Erases all data in the parameter.

Does not erase data from disk. So if the parameter has been stored with a service to disk and is emptied, it can be restored by loading from disk.

Raises:ParameterLockedException: If the parameter is locked.

Returns the current data value of the parameter and locks the parameter.

Raises:TypeError if the parameter is empty

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam', comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param.f_set(44.0)
>>> param.f_get()

Returns annotations

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_get(*args)

f_get_array(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an iterable to iterate over the values of the exploration range.

Note that the returned values should be either a copy of the exploration range or the array must be immutable, for example a python tuple.

Returns:Immutable sequence
Raises:TypeError if the parameter is not explored

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam',data=22, comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param._explore([42,43,43])
>>> param.f_get_array()

DEPRECATED: Use f_get_range() instead!


Returns the name of the class i.e. return self.__class__.__name__


Returns a python tuple containing the exploration range.

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam',data=22, comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param._explore([42,43,43])
>>> param.f_get_range()
Raises:TypeError: If parameter is not explored.

Returns true if the parameter is explored and contains a range array.

f_is_array(*args, **kwargs)

Returns true if the parameter is explored and contains a range array.

DEPRECATED: Use f_has_range() instead.


True if no data has been assigned to the parameter.

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('', comment='I am _empty!')
>>> param.f_is_empty()
>>> param.f_set(444)
>>> param.f_is_empty()
f_is_root(*args, **kwargs)

Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)

DEPRECATED: Please use property v_is_root!


Locks the parameter and forbids further manipulation.

Changing the data value or exploration range of the parameter are no longer allowed.


Sets a data value for a parameter.

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam', comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param.f_set(44.0)
>>> param.f_get()

ParameterLockedException: If parameter is locked

TypeError: If the type of the data value is not supported by the parameter

f_set_annotations(*args, **kwargs)

Sets annotations

Equivalent to calling v_annotations.f_set(*args,**kwargs)


Checks if input data is supported by the parameter.


Checks if parameter supports fast access.

A parameter supports fast access if it is NOT empty!


Unlocks the locked parameter.

Please use it very carefully, or best do not use this function at all. There should better be no reason to unlock a locked parameter! The only exception I can think of is to unlock a large derived parameter after usage to subsequently call f_empty() to clear memory.


String summary of the value handled by the parameter.

Note that representing the parameter as a string accesses its value, but for simpler debugging, this does not lock the parameter or counts as usage!


Annotation feature of a trajectory node.

Store some short additional information about your nodes here. If you use the standard HDF5 storage service, they will be stored as hdf5 node attributes.


The name of the branch/subtree, i.e. the first node below the root.

The empty string in case of root itself.


Should be a nice descriptive comment


The name of the creator of the node.

The creator name is either the name of a single run (e.g. ‘run_00000009’) or ‘trajectory’.


Depth of the node in the trajectory tree.


Whether or not fast access can be supported by the Parameter or Result

DEPRECATED: Please use function f_supports_fast_access instead!


Whether or not the full parameter including the range or only the current data is copied during pickling.

If you run your simulations in multiprocessing mode, the whole trajectory and all parameters need to be pickled and are sent to the individual processes. Each process than runs an individual point in the parameter space. As a consequence, you do not need the full ranges during these calculations. Thus, if the full copy mode is set to False the parameter is pickled without the range array and you can save memory.

If you want to access the full range during individual runs, you need to set v_full_copy to True.

It is recommended NOT to do that in order to save memory and also do obey the philosophy that individual simulation runs are independent.

Example usage:

>>> import pickle
>>> param = Parameter('examples.fullcopy', data=333, comment='I show you how the copy mode works!')
>>> param._explore([1,2,3,4])
>>> dump=pickle.dumps(param)
>>> newparam = pickle.loads(dump)
>>> newparam.f_get_range()
>>> param.v_full_copy=True
>>> dump = pickle.dumps(param)
>>> newparam=pickle.loads(dump)
>>> newparam.f_get_range()

The full name, relative to the root node.

The full name of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)


Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_leaf!


Location relative to the root node.

The location of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Whether or not the parameter is locked and prevents further modification


Name of the node


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_parameter instead!


class pypet.parameter.ArrayParameter(full_name, data=None, comment='')

Similar to the Parameter, but recommended for large numpy arrays and python tuples.

The array parameter is a bit smarter in memory management than the parameter. If a numpy array is used several times within an exploration, only one numpy array is stored by the default HDF5 storage service. For each individual run references to the corresponding numpy array are stored.

Since the ArrayParameter inherits from Parameter it also supports all other native python types.


class pypet.parameter.SparseParameter(full_name, data=None, comment='')

Parameter that handles Scipy csr, csc, bsr and dia sparse matrices.

Sparse Parameter inherits from ArrayParameter and supports arrays and native python data as well.

Uses similar memory management as its parent class.


Sparse matrices support Scipy csr, csc, bsr and dia matrices and everything their parent class the ArrayParameter supports.


class pypet.parameter.PickleParameter(full_name, data=None, comment='', protocol=2)

A parameter class that supports all picklable objects, and pickles everything!

If you use the default HDF5 storage service, the pickle dumps are stored to disk. Works similar to the array parameter regarding memory management (Equality of objects is based on object id).

There is no straightforward check to guarantee that data is picklable, so you have to take care that all data handled by the PickleParameter supports pickling.

You can pass the pickle protocol via protocol=2 to the constructor or change it with the v_protocol property. Default protocol is 0. Note that after storage to disk changing the protocol has no effect. If the parameter is loaded, v_protocol is set to the protocol used to store the data.


There is no straightforward check if an object can be pickled and this function will always return True.

So you have to take care in advance that the item can be pickled.


The protocol used to pickle data, default is 0.

See pickle documentation for the protocols.


class pypet.parameter.Result(full_name, *args, **kwargs)

Light Container that stores basic python and numpy data.

Note that no sanity checks on individual data is made (only on outer data structure) and you have to take care, that your data is understood by the storage service. It is assumed that results tend to be large and therefore sanity checks would be too expensive.

Data that can safely be stored into a Result are:

  • python natives (int, long, str, bool, float, complex),
  • numpy natives, arrays and matrices of type np.int8-64, np.uint8-64, np.float32-64, np.complex, np.str
  • python lists and tuples of the previous types (python natives + numpy natives and arrays) Lists and tuples are not allowed to be nested and must be homogeneous, i.e. only contain data of one particular type. Only integers, or only floats, etc.
  • python dictionaries of the previous types (not nested!), data can be heterogeneous, keys must be strings. For example, one key-value pair of string and int and one key-value pair of string and float, and so on.
  • pandas DataFrames
  • ObjectTable

Note that containers should NOT be empty (like empty dicts or lists) at the time they are saved to disk. The standard HDF5 storage service cannot store empty containers! The Result emits a warning if you hand over an empty container.

Data is set on initialisation or with f_set()

Example usage:

>>> res = Result('supergroup.subgroup.myresult', comment='I am a neat example!'         [1000,2000], {'a':'b','c':333}, hitchhiker='Arthur Dent')

In case you create a new result you can pass the following arguments:

  • fullanme – The fullname of the result, grouping can be achieved by colons,
  • comment

    A useful comment describing the result. The comment can later on be changed using the v_comment variable

    >>> param.v_comment
    'I am a neat example!'
  • args – Data that is handled by the result. The first positional argument is stored with the name of the result. Following arguments are stored with name_X where X is the position of the argument.
  • kwargs

    Data that is handled by the result, it is kept by the result under the names specified by the keys of kwargs.

    >>> res.f_get(0)
    >>> res.f_get(1)
    >>> res.f_get('myresult')
    >>> res.f_get('hitchhiker')
    >>> res.f_get('myresult','hitchhiker')
    ([1000,2000], 'ArthurDent')

    Can be changed or more can be added via f_set()

    >>> result.f_set('Uno',x='y')
    >>> result.f_get(0)
    >>> result.f_get('x')

    Alternative method to put and retrieve data from the result container is via __getattr__ and __setattr__

    >>> = 'prefect'


If the data format in args or kwargs is not known to the result. Checks type of outer data structure, i.e. checks if you have a list or dictionary. But it does not check on individual values within dicts or lists.


Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

f_ann_to_string(*args, **kwargs)

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

DEPRECATED: Please use f_ann_to_str() instead.


Removes all data from the result or parameter.

If the result has already been stored to disk via a trajectory and a storage service, the data on disk is not affected by f_empty.

Yet, this function is particularly useful if you have stored very large data to disk and you want to free some memory on RAM but still keep the skeleton of your result or parameter.

Note that freeing RAM requires that all references to the data are deleted. If you reference the data somewhere else in your code, the data is not erased from RAM.


Returns items handled by the result.

If only a single name is given, a single data item is returned. If several names are given, a list is returned. For integer inputs the result returns resultname_X.

If the result contains only a single entry you can call f_get() without arguments. If you call f_get() and the result contains more than one element a ValueError is thrown.

If the requested item(s) cannot be found an AttributeError is thrown.

Parameters:args – strings-names or integers
Returns:Single data item or tuple of data


>>> res = Result('supergroup.subgroup.myresult', comment='I am a neat example!'         [1000,2000], {'a':'b','c':333}, hitchhiker='Arthur Dent')
>>> res.f_get('hitchhiker')
'Arthur Dent'
>>> res.f_get(0)
>>> res.f_get('hitchhiker', 'myresult')
('Arthur Dent', [1000,2000])

Returns annotations

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_get(*args)


Returns the class name of the parameter or result or group.

Equivalent to obj.__class__.__name__


True if no data has been put into the result.

Also True if all data has been erased via f_empty().

f_is_root(*args, **kwargs)

Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)

DEPRECATED: Please use property v_is_root!

f_set(*args, **kwargs)

Method to put data into the result.

  • args – The first positional argument is stored with the name of the result. Following arguments are stored with name_X where X is the position of the argument.
  • kwargs – Arguments are stored with the key as name.

TypeError if outer data structure is not understood.

Example usage:

>>> res = Result('supergroup.subgroup.myresult', comment='I am a neat example!')
>>> res.f_set(333,42.0, mystring='String!')
>>> res.f_get('myresult')
>>> res.f_get('myresult_1')
>>> res.f_get(1)
>>> res.f_get('mystring')
f_set_annotations(*args, **kwargs)

Sets annotations

Equivalent to calling v_annotations.f_set(*args,**kwargs)

f_set_single(name, item)

Sets a single data item of the result.

Raises TypeError if the type of the outer data structure is not understood. Note that the type check is shallow. For example, if the data item is a list, the individual list elements are NOT checked whether their types are appropriate.

  • name – The name of the data item
  • item – The data item


Example usage:

>>> res.f_set_single('answer', 42)
>>> res.f_get('answer')

Whether or not the result supports fast access.

A result supports fast access if it contains exactly one item with the name of the result.


Returns all handled data as a dictionary.

Parameters:copy – Whether the original dictionary or a shallow copy is returned.
Returns:Data dictionary

Summarizes data handled by the result as a string.

Calls __str__ on all handled data if v_no_data_string=False, else only the name/key of the handled data is printed.

Truncates the string if it is longer than pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH


Annotation feature of a trajectory node.

Store some short additional information about your nodes here. If you use the standard HDF5 storage service, they will be stored as hdf5 node attributes.


The name of the branch/subtree, i.e. the first node below the root.

The empty string in case of root itself.


Should be a nice descriptive comment


The name of the creator of the node.

The creator name is either the name of a single run (e.g. ‘run_00000009’) or ‘trajectory’.


Depth of the node in the trajectory tree.


Whether or not fast access can be supported by the Parameter or Result

DEPRECATED: Please use function f_supports_fast_access instead!


The full name, relative to the root node.

The full name of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)


Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_leaf!


Location relative to the root node.

The location of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Name of the node

Whether or not to give a short summarizing string when calling

Can be set to False if the evaluation of stored data into string is too costly.


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_parameter instead!


class pypet.parameter.SparseResult(full_name, *args, **kwargs)

Handles Scipy sparse matrices.

Supported Formats are csr, csc, bsr, and dia.

Subclasses the standard result and can also handle all data supported by Result.


Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

f_ann_to_string(*args, **kwargs)

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

DEPRECATED: Please use f_ann_to_str() instead.


Removes all data from the result or parameter.

If the result has already been stored to disk via a trajectory and a storage service, the data on disk is not affected by f_empty.

Yet, this function is particularly useful if you have stored very large data to disk and you want to free some memory on RAM but still keep the skeleton of your result or parameter.

Note that freeing RAM requires that all references to the data are deleted. If you reference the data somewhere else in your code, the data is not erased from RAM.


Returns items handled by the result.

If only a single name is given, a single data item is returned. If several names are given, a list is returned. For integer inputs the result returns resultname_X.

If the result contains only a single entry you can call f_get() without arguments. If you call f_get() and the result contains more than one element a ValueError is thrown.

If the requested item(s) cannot be found an AttributeError is thrown.

Parameters:args – strings-names or integers
Returns:Single data item or tuple of data


>>> res = Result('supergroup.subgroup.myresult', comment='I am a neat example!'         [1000,2000], {'a':'b','c':333}, hitchhiker='Arthur Dent')
>>> res.f_get('hitchhiker')
'Arthur Dent'
>>> res.f_get(0)
>>> res.f_get('hitchhiker', 'myresult')
('Arthur Dent', [1000,2000])

Returns annotations

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_get(*args)


Returns the class name of the parameter or result or group.

Equivalent to obj.__class__.__name__


True if no data has been put into the result.

Also True if all data has been erased via f_empty().

f_is_root(*args, **kwargs)

Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)

DEPRECATED: Please use property v_is_root!

f_set(*args, **kwargs)

Method to put data into the result.

  • args – The first positional argument is stored with the name of the result. Following arguments are stored with name_X where X is the position of the argument.
  • kwargs – Arguments are stored with the key as name.

TypeError if outer data structure is not understood.

Example usage:

>>> res = Result('supergroup.subgroup.myresult', comment='I am a neat example!')
>>> res.f_set(333,42.0, mystring='String!')
>>> res.f_get('myresult')
>>> res.f_get('myresult_1')
>>> res.f_get(1)
>>> res.f_get('mystring')
f_set_annotations(*args, **kwargs)

Sets annotations

Equivalent to calling v_annotations.f_set(*args,**kwargs)

f_set_single(name, item)

Sets a single data item of the result.

Raises TypeError if the type of the outer data structure is not understood. Note that the type check is shallow. For example, if the data item is a list, the individual list elements are NOT checked whether their types are appropriate.

  • name – The name of the data item
  • item – The data item


Example usage:

>>> res.f_set_single('answer', 42)
>>> res.f_get('answer')

Whether or not the result supports fast access.

A result supports fast access if it contains exactly one item with the name of the result.


Returns all handled data as a dictionary.

Parameters:copy – Whether the original dictionary or a shallow copy is returned.
Returns:Data dictionary

Summarizes data handled by the result as a string.

Calls __str__ on all handled data if v_no_data_string=False, else only the name/key of the handled data is printed.

Truncates the string if it is longer than pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH


Annotation feature of a trajectory node.

Store some short additional information about your nodes here. If you use the standard HDF5 storage service, they will be stored as hdf5 node attributes.


The name of the branch/subtree, i.e. the first node below the root.

The empty string in case of root itself.


Should be a nice descriptive comment


The name of the creator of the node.

The creator name is either the name of a single run (e.g. ‘run_00000009’) or ‘trajectory’.


Depth of the node in the trajectory tree.


Whether or not fast access can be supported by the Parameter or Result

DEPRECATED: Please use function f_supports_fast_access instead!


The full name, relative to the root node.

The full name of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)


Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_leaf!


Location relative to the root node.

The location of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Name of the node

Whether or not to give a short summarizing string when calling

Can be set to False if the evaluation of stored data into string is too costly.


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_parameter instead!


class pypet.parameter.PickleResult(full_name, *args, **kwargs)

Result that digest everything and simply pickles it!

Note that it is not checked whether data can be pickled, so take care that it works!

You can pass the pickle protocol via protocol=2 to the constructor or change it with the v_protocol property. Default protocol is 0.

Note that after storage to disk changing the protocol has no effect. If the parameter is loaded, v_protocol is set to a protocol used to store an item. Note that items are reconstructed from a dictionary and the protocol is taken from the first one found in the dictionary. This is a rather arbitrary choice. Yet, the underlying assumption is that all items were pickled with the same protocol, which is the general case.

f_set_single(name, item)

Adds a single data item to the pickle result.

Note that it is NOT checked if the item can be pickled!


The protocol used to pickle data, default is 0.

See pickle documentation for the protocols.

Object Table

class pypet.parameter.ObjectTable(data=None, index=None, columns=None, copy=False)

Wrapper class for pandas DataFrames.

It creates data frames with dtype=object.

Data stored into an object table preserves its original type when stored to disk. For instance, a python int is not automatically converted to a numpy 64 bit integer (np.int64).

The object table serves as a data structure to hand data to a storage service.

Example Usage:

>>> ObjectTable(data={'characters':['Luke', 'Han', 'Spock'], 'Random_Values' :[42,43,44] })

Creates the following table:

Index Random_Values characters
0 42 Luke
1 43 Han
2 44 Spock

The Abstract Base Classes of Parameters and Results

These classes serve as a reference if you want to implement your own parameter or result. Therefore, also private functions are listed.

class pypet.parameter.BaseParameter(full_name, comment='')

Abstract class that specifies the methods for a trajectory parameter.

Parameters are simple container objects for data values. They handle single values as well as ranges of potential values. These range arrays contain multiple values which are accessed one after the other in individual simulation runs.

Parameter exploration is usually initiated through the trajectory see f_explore() and f_expand().

To access the parameter’s data value one can call the f_get() method.

Parameters support the concept of locking. Once a value of the parameter has been accessed, the parameter cannot be changed anymore unless it is explicitly unlocked using f_unlock(). This prevents parameters from being changed during runtime of a simulation.

If multiprocessing is desired the parameter must be picklable!

  • full_name – The full name of the parameter in the trajectory tree, groupings are separated by a colon: fullname = ‘supergroup.subgroup.paramname’
  • comment – A useful comment describing the parameter: comment = ‘Some useful text, dude!’

alias of type


x.__delattr__(‘name’) <==> del

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'pypet.parameter', 'f_empty': <function f_empty at 0x7f983e618230>, '_expand': <function _expand at 0x7f983e615f50>, 'f_is_empty': <function f_is_empty at 0x7f983e618140>, 'f_get_range': <function f_get_range at 0x7f983e615d70>, '_equal_values': <function _equal_values at 0x7f983e6159b0>, 'v_full_copy': <property object at 0x7f983e607628>, '__str__': <function __str__ at 0x7f983e615aa0>, '_set_parameter_access': <function _set_parameter_access at 0x7f983e618050>, 'f_supports_fast_access': <function f_supports_fast_access at 0x7f983e615578>, 'f_get_array': <function f_get_array at 0x7f983e615e60>, 'f_lock': <function f_lock at 0x7f983e615b90>, 'f_set': <function f_set at 0x7f983e615c08>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f983e615410>, '_shrink': <function _shrink at 0x7f983e6181b8>, 'f_val_to_str': <function f_val_to_str at 0x7f983e615938>, 'v_locked': <property object at 0x7f983e607cb0>, 'f_get_class_name': <function f_get_class_name at 0x7f983e6180c8>, '__getitem__': <function __getitem__ at 0x7f983e615c80>, '_restore_default': <function _restore_default at 0x7f983e615848>, 'f_supports': <function f_supports at 0x7f983e615488>, '__doc__': "Abstract class that specifies the methods for a trajectory parameter.\n\n Parameters are simple container objects for data values. They handle single values as well as\n ranges of potential values. These range arrays contain multiple values which are accessed\n one after the other in individual simulation runs.\n\n Parameter exploration is usually initiated through the trajectory see\n :func:`~pypet.trajectory.Trajectory.f_explore` and\n :func:`~pypet.trajectory.Trajectory.f_expand`.\n\n To access the parameter's data value one can call the\n :func:`~pypet.parameter.BaseParameter.f_get` method.\n\n Parameters support the concept of locking. Once a value of the parameter has been accessed,\n the parameter cannot be changed anymore unless it is explicitly unlocked using\n :func:`~pypet.parameter.BaseParameter.f_unlock`.\n This prevents parameters from being changed during runtime of a simulation.\n\n If multiprocessing is desired the parameter must be picklable!\n\n :param full_name:\n\n The full name of the parameter in the trajectory tree, groupings are\n separated by a colon: `fullname = 'supergroup.subgroup.paramname'`\n\n :param comment:\n\n A useful comment describing the parameter:\n `comment = 'Some useful text, dude!'`\n\n ", 'f_is_array': <function f_is_array at 0x7f983e6157d0>, 'f_has_range': <function f_has_range at 0x7f983e6156e0>, '_explore': <function _explore at 0x7f983e615ed8>, 'f_get': <function f_get at 0x7f983e615cf8>, '_values_of_same_type': <function _values_of_same_type at 0x7f983e615a28>, 'f_unlock': <function f_unlock at 0x7f983e615b18>, '__len__': <function __len__ at 0x7f983e6158c0>})

default object formatter


x.__getattribute__(‘name’) <==>


Equivalent to f_get_range[idx]

Raises:TypeError if parameter has no range

x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)

__init__(full_name, comment='')

Returns the length of the parameter

Only parameters that have a defined range can have a length larger than 1. If the parameter only contains a default value its length is 1. If the parameter is empty its length is 0.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass

__module__ = 'pypet.parameter'
static __new__(S, ...) → a new object with type S, a subtype of T

helper for pickle


helper for pickle


x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


x.__setattr__(‘name’, value) <==> = value

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


String representation of the Parameter

Output format is:<class_name> full_name (len:X, `comment): value`. If comment is the empty string, the comment is omitted. If the parameter is not explored the length is omitted.

static __subclasshook__()

Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_equal_values(val1, val2)

Checks if the parameter considers two values as equal.

This is important for the trajectory in case of merging. In case you want to delete duplicate parameter points, the trajectory needs to know when two parameters are equal. Since equality is not always implemented by values handled by parameters in the same way, the parameters need to judge whether their values are equal.

The straightforward example here is a numpy array. Checking for equality of two numpy arrays yields a third numpy array containing truth values of a piecewise comparison. Accordingly, the parameter could judge two numpy arrays equal if ALL of the numpy array elements are equal.

In this BaseParameter class values are considered to be equal if they obey the function nested_equal(). You might consider implementing a different equality comparison in your subclass.

Raises:TypeError: If both values are not supported by the parameter.

Similar to _explore() but appends to the exploration range.


iterable – An iterable specifying the exploration range.


ParameterLockedException: If the parameter is locked

TypeError: If the parameter did not have a range before

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam', data=3.13, comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param._explore([3.0,2.0,1.0])
>>> param._expand([42.0,43.0])
>>> param.f_get_range()

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


The method to explore a parameter and create a range of entries.



An iterable specifying the exploration range

For example:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam',data=22.33,              comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param._explore([3.0,2.0,1.0])


ParameterLockedException: If the parameter is locked

TypeError: If the parameter is already explored

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


Method called by the storage service to reconstruct the original result.

Data contained in the load_dict is equal to the data provided by the result or parameter when previously called with _store().

Parameters:load_dict – The dictionary containing basic data structures, see also _store().

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass


Renames the parameter or result.


Restores original data if changed due to exploration.

If a Parameter is explored, the actual data is changed over the course of different simulations. This method restores the original data assigned before exploration.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


Sets the current value according to the idx in the exploration range.

Prepares the parameter for further usage, and tells it which point in the parameter space should be accessed by calls to f_get().



The index within the exploration range.

If the parameter has no range, the single data value is considered regardless of the value of idx. Raises ValueError if the parameter is explored and idx>=len(param).



If the parameter has a range and idx is larger or equal to the length of the parameter.

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam',data=22.33, comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param._explore([42.0,43.0,44.0])
>>> param._set_parameter_access(idx=1)
>>> param.f_get()

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


If a parameter is explored, i.e. it has a range, the whole exploration range is deleted. .

Note that this function does not erase data from disk. So if the parameter has been stored with a service to disk and is shrunk, it can be restored by loading from disk.


ParameterLockedException: If the parameter is locked

TypeError: If the parameter has no range

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


Method called by the storage service for serialization.

The method converts the parameter’s or result’s value(s) into simple data structures that can be stored to disk. Returns a dictionary containing these simple structures.

Understood basic structures are

  • python natives (int, long, str,bool,float,complex)
  • python lists and tuples
  • numpy natives arrays, and matrices of type np.int8-64, np.uint8-64, np.float32-64, np.complex, np.str
  • python dictionaries of the previous types (flat not nested!)
  • pandas data frames
  • object tables (see ObjectTable)
Returns:A dictionary containing basic data structures.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass


Currently not used because I let the storage service infer how to store stuff from the data itself.

If you write your own parameter or result you can implement this function to make specifications on how to store data, see also

Returns:{} (Empty dictionary)
_values_of_same_type(val1, val2)

Checks if two values agree in type.

For example, two 32 bit integers would be of same type, but not a string and an integer, nor a 64 bit and a 32 bit integer.

This is important for exploration. You are only allowed to explore data that is of the same type as the default value.

One could always come up with a trivial solution of type(val1) is type(val2). But sometimes your parameter does want even more strict equality or less type equality.

For example, the Parameter has a stricter sense of type equality regarding numpy arrays. In order to have two numpy arrays of the same type, they must also agree in shape. However, the ArrayParameter, considers all numpy arrays as of being of same type regardless of their shape.

Moreover, the SparseParameter considers all supported sparse matrices (csc, csr, bsr, dia) as being of the same type. You can make explorations using all these four types at once.

The difference in how strict types are treated arises from the way parameter data is stored to disk and how the parameters hand over their data to the storage service (see pypet.parameter.BaseParameter._store()).

The Parameter puts all it’s data in an ObjectTable which has strict constraints on the column sizes. This means that numpy array columns only accept numpy arrays with a particular size. In contrast, the array and sparse parameter hand over their data as individual items which yield individual entries in the hdf5 node. In order to see what I mean simply run an experiment with all 3 parameters, explore all of them, and take a look at the resulting hdf5 file!

However, this BaseParameter class implements the straightforward version of type(val1) is type(val2) to consider data to be of the same type.

Raises:TypeError: if both values are not supported by the parameter.

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

f_ann_to_string(*args, **kwargs)

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

DEPRECATED: Please use f_ann_to_str() instead.


Erases all data in the parameter.

Does not erase data from disk. So if the parameter has been stored with a service to disk and is emptied, it can be restored by loading from disk.

Raises:ParameterLockedException: If the parameter is locked.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


Returns the current data value of the parameter and locks the parameter.

Raises:TypeError if the parameter is empty

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam', comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param.f_set(44.0)
>>> param.f_get()

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


Returns annotations

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_get(*args)

f_get_array(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an iterable to iterate over the values of the exploration range.

Note that the returned values should be either a copy of the exploration range or the array must be immutable, for example a python tuple.

Returns:Immutable sequence
Raises:TypeError if the parameter is not explored

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam',data=22, comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param._explore([42,43,43])
>>> param.f_get_array()

DEPRECATED: Use f_get_range() instead!


Returns the name of the class i.e. return self.__class__.__name__


Returns an iterable to iterate over the values of the exploration range.

Note that the returned values should be either a copy of the exploration range or the array must be immutable, for example a python tuple.

Returns:Immutable sequence
Raises:TypeError if the parameter is not explored

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam',data=22, comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param._explore([42,43,43])
>>> param.f_get_range()

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass


Returns true if the parameter is explored and contains a range array.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass

f_is_array(*args, **kwargs)

Returns true if the parameter is explored and contains a range array.

DEPRECATED: Use f_has_range() instead.


True if no data has been assigned to the parameter.

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('', comment='I am _empty!')
>>> param.f_is_empty()
>>> param.f_set(444)
>>> param.f_is_empty()
f_is_root(*args, **kwargs)

Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)

DEPRECATED: Please use property v_is_root!


Locks the parameter and forbids further manipulation.

Changing the data value or exploration range of the parameter are no longer allowed.


Sets a data value for a parameter.

Example usage:

>>> param = Parameter('groupA.groupB.myparam', comment='I am a neat example')
>>> param.f_set(44.0)
>>> param.f_get()

ParameterLockedException: If parameter is locked

TypeError: If the type of the data value is not supported by the parameter

ABSTRACT: Needs to be defined in subclass

f_set_annotations(*args, **kwargs)

Sets annotations

Equivalent to calling v_annotations.f_set(*args,**kwargs)


Checks whether the data is supported by the parameter.


Checks if parameter supports fast access.

A parameter supports fast access if it is NOT empty!


Unlocks the locked parameter.

Please use it very carefully, or best do not use this function at all. There should better be no reason to unlock a locked parameter! The only exception I can think of is to unlock a large derived parameter after usage to subsequently call f_empty() to clear memory.


String summary of the value handled by the parameter.

Note that representing the parameter as a string accesses its value, but for simpler debugging, this does not lock the parameter or counts as usage!


Annotation feature of a trajectory node.

Store some short additional information about your nodes here. If you use the standard HDF5 storage service, they will be stored as hdf5 node attributes.


The name of the branch/subtree, i.e. the first node below the root.

The empty string in case of root itself.


Should be a nice descriptive comment


The name of the creator of the node.

The creator name is either the name of a single run (e.g. ‘run_00000009’) or ‘trajectory’.


Depth of the node in the trajectory tree.


Whether or not fast access can be supported by the Parameter or Result

DEPRECATED: Please use function f_supports_fast_access instead!


Whether or not the full parameter including the range or only the current data is copied during pickling.

If you run your simulations in multiprocessing mode, the whole trajectory and all parameters need to be pickled and are sent to the individual processes. Each process than runs an individual point in the parameter space. As a consequence, you do not need the full ranges during these calculations. Thus, if the full copy mode is set to False the parameter is pickled without the range array and you can save memory.

If you want to access the full range during individual runs, you need to set v_full_copy to True.

It is recommended NOT to do that in order to save memory and also do obey the philosophy that individual simulation runs are independent.

Example usage:

>>> import pickle
>>> param = Parameter('examples.fullcopy', data=333, comment='I show you how the copy mode works!')
>>> param._explore([1,2,3,4])
>>> dump=pickle.dumps(param)
>>> newparam = pickle.loads(dump)
>>> newparam.f_get_range()
>>> param.v_full_copy=True
>>> dump = pickle.dumps(param)
>>> newparam=pickle.loads(dump)
>>> newparam.f_get_range()

The full name, relative to the root node.

The full name of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)


Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_leaf!


Location relative to the root node.

The location of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Whether or not the parameter is locked and prevents further modification


Name of the node


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_parameter instead!

class pypet.parameter.BaseResult(full_name, comment='')

Abstract base API for results.

Compared to parameters (see BaseParameter) results are also initialised with a full name and a comment. Yet, results can contain more than a single value and heterogeneous data.


alias of type


x.__delattr__(‘name’) <==> del

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'pypet.parameter', '__doc__': 'Abstract base API for results.\n\n Compared to parameters (see :class:`~pypet.parameter.BaseParameter`) results are also\n initialised with a full name and a comment.\n Yet, results can contain more than a single value and heterogeneous data.\n\n ', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f983e61aa28>})

default object formatter


x.__getattribute__(‘name’) <==>


x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)

__init__(full_name, comment='')
__module__ = 'pypet.parameter'
static __new__(S, ...) → a new object with type S, a subtype of T

helper for pickle


helper for pickle


x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


x.__setattr__(‘name’, value) <==> = value

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


String representation of the parameter or result.

If not specified in subclass this is simply the full name.

static __subclasshook__()

Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Method called by the storage service to reconstruct the original result.

Data contained in the load_dict is equal to the data provided by the result or parameter when previously called with _store().

Parameters:load_dict – The dictionary containing basic data structures, see also _store().

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass


Renames the parameter or result.


Method called by the storage service for serialization.

The method converts the parameter’s or result’s value(s) into simple data structures that can be stored to disk. Returns a dictionary containing these simple structures.

Understood basic structures are

  • python natives (int, long, str,bool,float,complex)
  • python lists and tuples
  • numpy natives arrays, and matrices of type np.int8-64, np.uint8-64, np.float32-64, np.complex, np.str
  • python dictionaries of the previous types (flat not nested!)
  • pandas data frames
  • object tables (see ObjectTable)
Returns:A dictionary containing basic data structures.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass


Currently not used because I let the storage service infer how to store stuff from the data itself.

If you write your own parameter or result you can implement this function to make specifications on how to store data, see also

Returns:{} (Empty dictionary)

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

f_ann_to_string(*args, **kwargs)

Returns annotations as string

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_ann_to_str()

DEPRECATED: Please use f_ann_to_str() instead.


Removes all data from the result or parameter.

If the result has already been stored to disk via a trajectory and a storage service, the data on disk is not affected by f_empty.

Yet, this function is particularly useful if you have stored very large data to disk and you want to free some memory on RAM but still keep the skeleton of your result or parameter.

Note that freeing RAM requires that all references to the data are deleted. If you reference the data somewhere else in your code, the data is not erased from RAM.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass


Returns annotations

Equivalent to v_annotations.f_get(*args)


Returns the class name of the parameter or result or group.

Equivalent to obj.__class__.__name__


Returns true if no data is handled by a result or parameter.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass

f_is_root(*args, **kwargs)

Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)

DEPRECATED: Please use property v_is_root!

f_set_annotations(*args, **kwargs)

Sets annotations

Equivalent to calling v_annotations.f_set(*args,**kwargs)


Whether or not fast access can be supported by the parameter or result.

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass.


Returns a string summarizing the data handled by the parameter or result

ABSTRACT: Needs to be implemented by subclass, otherwise the empty string is returned.


Annotation feature of a trajectory node.

Store some short additional information about your nodes here. If you use the standard HDF5 storage service, they will be stored as hdf5 node attributes.


The name of the branch/subtree, i.e. the first node below the root.

The empty string in case of root itself.


Should be a nice descriptive comment


The name of the creator of the node.

The creator name is either the name of a single run (e.g. ‘run_00000009’) or ‘trajectory’.


Depth of the node in the trajectory tree.


Whether or not fast access can be supported by the Parameter or Result

DEPRECATED: Please use function f_supports_fast_access instead!


The full name, relative to the root node.

The full name of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)


Whether the group is root (True for the trajectory and a single run object)


Whether node is a leaf or not (i.e. it is a group node)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_leaf!


Location relative to the root node.

The location of a trajectory or single run is the empty string since it is root.


Name of the node


Whether the node is a parameter or not (i.e. a result)

DEPRECATED: Please use v_is_parameter instead!