Global Constants

Here you can find global constants. These constants define the data supported by the storage service and the standard parameter, maximum lenght of comments, messages for storing and loading etc.

This module contains constants defined for a global scale and used across most pypet modules.

It contains constants defining the maximum length of a parameter/result name or constants that are recognized by storage services to determine how to store and load data.

pypet.pypetconstants.PARAMETERTYPEDICT = {"<type 'float'>": <type 'float'>, "<type 'long'>": <type 'long'>, "<type 'numpy.int32'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449b10>, "<type 'numpy.uint32'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449c50>, "<type 'bool'>": <type 'bool'>, "<type 'numpy.uint16'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449c10>, "<type 'numpy.float64'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449a90>, "<type 'numpy.string_'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449bd0>, "<type 'numpy.float32'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449a50>, "<type 'numpy.complex128'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac4499d0>, "<type 'numpy.uint8'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449cd0>, "<type 'complex'>": <type 'complex'>, "<type 'numpy.int16'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449ad0>, "<type 'numpy.int64'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449b50>, "<type 'int'>": <type 'int'>, "<type 'numpy.uint64'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449c90>, "<type 'numpy.bool_'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449950>, "<type 'numpy.int8'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449b90>, "<type 'str'>": <type 'str'>, "<type 'numpy.complex64'>": <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449a10>}

A Mapping (dict) from the the string representation of a type and the type.

These are the so far supported types of the storage service and the standard parameter!

pypet.pypetconstants.PARAMETER_SUPPORTED_DATA = (<Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449d10>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449d50>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449d90>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449dd0>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449e10>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449e50>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449e90>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449ed0>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449f10>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449f50>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449f90>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac449fd0>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c050>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c090>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c0d0>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c110>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c150>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c190>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c1d0>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c210>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c250>, <Mock object at 0x7fd1ac44c290>)

Set of supported scalar types by the storage service and the standard parameter

pypet.pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 128

Maximum length of a (short) name

pypet.pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_LOCATION_LENGTH = 256

Maximum length of the location string

pypet.pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 64

Maximum length of a value string

pypet.pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH = 512

Maximum length of a comment

pypet.pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 1024

Maximum length of a parameter array summary

pypet.pypetconstants.HDF5_STRCOL_MAX_RUNTIME_LENGTH = 18

Maximum length of human readable runtime, 18 characters allows to display up to 999 days excluding the microseconds

pypet.pypetconstants.HDF5_MAX_OBJECT_TABLE_TYPE_ATTRS = 32

Maximum number of attributes before a distinct table is created

pypet.pypetconstants.WRAP_MODE_QUEUE = 'QUEUE'

For multiprocessing, queue multiprocessing mode

pypet.pypetconstants.WRAP_MODE_LOCK = 'LOCK'

Lock multiprocessing mode

pypet.pypetconstants.WRAP_MODE_NONE = 'NONE'

No multiprocessing wrapping for the storage service

pypet.pypetconstants.LOAD_SKELETON = 1

For trajectory loading, loads only the skeleton.

pypet.pypetconstants.LOAD_DATA = 2

Loads skeleton and data.

pypet.pypetconstants.LOAD_NOTHING = 0

Loads nothing

pypet.pypetconstants.OVERWRITE_DATA = 3

Overwrites all data in RAM with data from disk

pypet.pypetconstants.UPDATE_SKELETON = 1

DEPRECATED: Updates skeleton, i.e. adds only items that are not part of your current trajectory.

pypet.pypetconstants.UPDATE_DATA = 2

DEPRECATED: Updates skeleton and data, adds only items that are not part of your current trajectory.

pypet.pypetconstants.LEAF = 'LEAF'

For trajectory or item storage, stores a leaf node, i.e. parameter or result object

pypet.pypetconstants.TRAJECTORY = 'TRAJECTORY'

Stores the whole trajectory

pypet.pypetconstants.MERGE = 'MERGE'

Merges two trajectories

pypet.pypetconstants.GROUP = 'GROUP'

Stores a group node, can be recursive.

pypet.pypetconstants.LIST = 'LIST'

Stores a list of different things, in order to avoid reopening and closing of the hdf5 file.

pypet.pypetconstants.SINGLE_RUN = 'SINGLE_RUN'

Stores a single run

pypet.pypetconstants.PREPARE_MERGE = 'PREPARE_MERGE'

Updates a trajectory before it is going to be merged

pypet.pypetconstants.BACKUP = 'BACKUP'

Backs up a trajectory

pypet.pypetconstants.DELETE = 'DELETE'

Removes an item from hdf5 file

pypet.pypetconstants.TREE = 'TREE'

Stores a subtree of the trajectory

pypet.pypetconstants.FORMAT_ZEROS = 8

Number of leading zeros

pypet.pypetconstants.RUN_NAME = 'run_'

Name of a single run

pypet.pypetconstants.RUN_NAME_DUMMY = 'run_ALL'

Dummy name if not created during run

pypet.pypetconstants.FORMATTED_RUN_NAME = 'run_%08d'

Name formatted with leading zeros