Source code for pypet.utils.comparisons

"""Module containing utility functions to compare parameters and results"""

__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

from collections import Sequence, Mapping, Set

    from future_builtins import zip
except ImportError:  # not 2.6+ or is 3.x
        from itertools import izip as zip  # < 2.5 or 3.x
    except ImportError:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as spsp

import pypet.pypetconstants as pypetconstants
import pypet.compat as compat

[docs]def results_equal(a, b): """Compares two result instances Checks full name and all data. Does not consider the comment. :return: True or False :raises: ValueError if both inputs are no result instances """ if a.v_is_parameter or b.v_is_parameter: raise ValueError('Both inputs are not results.') if a.v_is_parameter or b.v_is_parameter: return False if not a.v_name == b.v_name: return False if not a.v_location == b.v_location: return False if not a.v_full_name == b.v_full_name: return False if hasattr(a, '_data') and not hasattr(b, '_data'): return False if hasattr(a, '_data'): akeyset = set(a._data.keys()) bkeyset = set(b._data.keys()) if akeyset != bkeyset: return False for key in a._data: val = a._data[key] bval = b._data[key] if not nested_equal(val, bval): return False return True
[docs]def parameters_equal(a, b): """Compares two parameter instances Checks full name, data, and ranges. Does not consider the comment. :return: True or False :raises: ValueError if both inputs are no parameter instances """ if (not b.v_is_parameter and not a.v_is_parameter): raise ValueError('Both inputs are not parameters') if (not b.v_is_parameter or not a.v_is_parameter): return False if not a.v_name == b.v_name: return False if not a.v_location == b.v_location: return False if not a.v_full_name == b.v_full_name: return False if a.f_is_empty() and b.f_is_empty(): return True if a.f_is_empty() != b.f_is_empty(): return False if not a._values_of_same_type(a.f_get(), b.f_get()): return False if not a._equal_values(a.f_get(), b.f_get()): return False if a.f_has_range() != b.f_has_range(): return False if a.f_has_range(): if a.f_get_range_length() != b.f_get_range_length(): return False for myitem, bitem in zip(a.f_get_range(), b.f_get_range()): if not a._values_of_same_type(myitem, bitem): return False if not a._equal_values(myitem, bitem): return False return True
[docs]def nested_equal(a, b): """Compares two objects recursively by their elements, also handling numpy objects. Assumes hashable items are not mutable in a way that affects equality. Based on the suggestion from HERE_, thanks again Lauritz V. Thaulow :-) .. _HERE: """ try: if a is b: return True # for types that support __eq__ try: custom_eq = a.__eq__(b) # Best way I came up with to check in python 2 and 3 # if equality is implemented if isinstance(custom_eq, (bool, np.bool_)): return custom_eq except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError, TypeError, ValueError): pass # Check equality according to type type [sic]. if a is None: return b is None if isinstance(a, (compat.unicode_type, compat.bytes_type)): return a == b if isinstance(a, pypetconstants.PARAMETER_SUPPORTED_DATA): return a == b if isinstance(a, (pd.Panel, pd.Panel4D)): return nested_equal(a.to_frame(), b.to_frame()) if spsp.isspmatrix(a): if a.nnz == 0: return b.nnz == 0 else: return np.all((a == b).data) if isinstance(a, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): try: new_frame = a == b new_frame = new_frame | (pd.isnull(a) & pd.isnull(b)) if isinstance(new_frame, pd.DataFrame): return np.all(new_frame.as_matrix()) else: eq = new_frame.all() # In older pandas versions, # series do not support as_matrix if isinstance(eq, (bool, np.bool_)): return eq else: raise ValueError('') except ValueError: # The Value Error can happen if the data frame is of dtype=object and contains # numpy arrays. Numpy array comparisons do not evaluate to a single truth value if isinstance(a, pd.DataFrame): for name in a: cola = a[name] if not name in b: return False colb = b[name] if not len(cola) == len(colb): return False for idx, itema in enumerate(cola): itemb = colb[idx] if not nested_equal(itema, itemb): return False else: if not len(a) == len(b): return False for idx, itema in enumerate(a): itemb = b[idx] if not nested_equal(itema, itemb): return False return True if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): if a.shape != b.shape: return False return np.all(a == b) if isinstance(a, Sequence): return all(nested_equal(x, y) for x, y in zip(a, b)) if isinstance(a, Mapping): if set(a.keys()) != set(b.keys()): return False return all(nested_equal(a[k], b[k]) for k in a.keys()) if isinstance(a, Set): return a == b if hasattr(a, '__dict__'): if not hasattr(b, '__dict__'): return False if set(a.__dict__.keys()) != set(b.__dict__.keys()): return False return all(nested_equal(a.__dict__[k], b.__dict__[k]) for k in a.__dict__.keys()) return False except Exception: return False