===================== FAQs and Known Issues ===================== -------------------- Tools and Extensions -------------------- **Q:** How can I open and inspect an HDF5 file created by *pypet*? **A:** For inspection I mostly use these two tools: HDFview_ and ViTables_. .. _HDFview: http://www.hdfgroup.org/products/java/hdfview/ .. _ViTables: http://vitables.org/ **Q:** Can I use *pypet* on my computing cluster or can I distribute *pypet* runs among different servers? **A:** Yes, you can, either by combining *pypet* with SCOOP_ or with `SAGA Python`_ (see also :ref:`pypet-and-scoop`). Examples are provided here: :ref:`example-21` and :ref:`example-22`. .. _SCOOP: https://scoop.readthedocs.org/ .. _SAGA Python: http://saga-python.readthedocs.org/ **Q:** I not only need to explore but also tune parameters. Are there any optimization methods available in *pypet*? **A:** Not directly, but you can easily combine *pypet* with the evolutionary optimization toolkit DEAP_. :ref:`example-19` shows you how. .. _DEAP: http://deap.readthedocs.org/ ------------------ Performance Issues ------------------ **Q:** Exploring many runs (10k+) *pypet* becomes incredibly slow when it comes to loading and storing data!? **A:** HDF5 has a hard time managing nodes with many children. To avoid this simply group your result into buckets using the `'$set'` wildcard. See also the :ref:`optimization-tips`. **Q:** *pypet* produces enormously large files of several Gigabytes despite them containing almost no data!? **A:** Your HDF5 version is too old (most likely you are using 1.8.5). Please update to 1.8.9 or newer. -------------- Infinite Loops -------------- **Q:** My program does not terminate (i.e. it does not crash but runs forever) when I use *pypet* in multiprocessing mode in combination with *matplotlib* and *savefig*!? **A:** *Matplotlib* uses *numpy* for linear algebra operations, these operations are often necessary when plotting. So, to solve the issues take a look at the next question. **Q:** My program does not terminate (i.e. it does not crash but runs forever) when I use *pypet* in multiprocessing mode in combination with *numpy* and *linalg.inv* or some similar function!? **A:** Numpy uses openBLAS (http://www.openblas.net/) to solve linear algebra operations. Yet, there are many issues with openBLAS and Python multiprocessing. To resolve this set the environment variables ``OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1`` and ``OMP_NUM_THREADS=1``. ------------------ Crashes and Errors ------------------ **Q:** GitPython does not work. If I specify my repository ``git_repository='./myrepo'``, pypet crashes with an ``AttributeError: 'Repo' object has no attribute 'index'``. What should I do? **A:** You probably have an older version of GitPython (likely 0.1.7), install a newer one. If ``pip install GitPython`` still downloads the old version, try ``pip install --pre GitPython`` or if you simply want to upgrade, use ``pip install --upgrade --pre GitPython``. **Q:** My program crashes with ``TypeError: [..] dtype: float64 its type is .``!? **A:** You are using pandas version ``0.13.x``. Unfortunately, pandas performs some unwanted upcasting that cannot be handled by *pypet* (see https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/6526/). This unwanted upcasting has already been removed in the next pandas version. So upgrade to ``0.14.1`` or newer. **Q:** My program crashes if I try to store a Trajectory containing an ArrayParameter!? **A:** Look at the previous answer, you are using pandas ``0.13.x``, please upgrade your pandas package to at least ``0.14.1``. **Q:** My program crashes with a ``ValueError: unknown type: 'object'``!? **A:** Look at the previous answer, you are using pandas ``0.13.x``, please upgrade your pandas package to at least ``0.14.1``. -------------- Other Problems -------------- **Q:** If I create and environment in an *IPython* console everything becomes gibberish!? **A:** Pypet will redirect ``stdout`` to files. Unfortunately, this messes with the *IPython* console. To avoid this simply disable logging of this stream setting the ``log_stdout`` option to ``False``: ``env = Environment( ..., log_stdout=False, ...)``. **Q:** I have large data sets that are not stored if I use multiprocessing and the lock wrapping!? **A:** Probably, you use an older HDF5 version (``< 1.8.7``) that does not allow simultaneous openings of a single HDF5 file. Either install a newer version or switch to queue wrapping. **Q:** I already have a rather evolved simulator can I integrate it with pypet or do I need to start from scratch? **A:** No, of course you don't neet to start from scratch. T here are ways to integrate or wrap *pypet* around your project. Example :ref:`example-17` shows you how to do that or take a look at section :ref:`wrap-project`.