.. _example-17: ======================================================== Wrapping an Existing Project (Cellular Automata Inside!) ======================================================== Here you can find out how to wrap *pypet* around an already existing simulation. The original project (``original.py``) simulates `elementary cellular automata`_. The code explores different starting conditions and automata rules. ``pypetwrap.py`` shows how to include *pypet* into the project without changing much of the original code. Basically, the core code of the simulation is left untouched. Only the *boilerplate* of the main script changes and a short wrapper function is needed that passes parameters from the *trajectory* to the core simulation. Moreover, introducing *pypet* allows much easier exploration of the parameter space. Now exploring different parameter sets requires no more code changes. Download: :download:`original.py <../../../examples/example_17_wrapping_an_existing_project/original.py>` Download: :download:`pypetwrap.py <../../../examples/example_17_wrapping_an_existing_project/pypetwrap.py>` ---------------- Original Project ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/example_17_wrapping_an_existing_project/original.py ------------- Using *pypet* ------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/example_17_wrapping_an_existing_project/pypetwrap.py .. _`elementary cellular automata`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary_cellular_automaton