Brian Parameters, Results and Monitors

Module containing results and parameters that can be used to store BRIAN data.

Parameters handling BRIAN data are instantiated by the BrianParameter class for any BRIAN Quantity.

The BrianResult can store BRIAN Quantities and the BrianMonitorResult extracts data from BRIAN Monitors.

All these can be combined with the experimental framework in to allow fast setup of large scale BRIAN experiments.


class pypet.brian.parameter.BrianParameter(full_name, data=None, comment='', storage_mode='FLOAT')[source]

A Parameter class that supports BRIAN Quantities.

Note that only scalar BRIAN quantities are supported, lists, tuples or dictionaries of BRIAN quantities cannot be handled.

There are two storage modes, that can be either passed to constructor or changed via v_storage_mode:


    The value is stored as a float and the unit as a sting.

    i.e. 12 mV is stored as 12.0 and ‘1.0 * mV’


    The value and unit are stored combined together as a string.

    i.e. 12 mV is stored as ‘12.0 * mV’

Supports data for the standard Parameter, too.


Float storage mode

IDENTIFIER = '__brn__'

Identification string stored into column title of hdf5 table


String storage mode


Simply checks if data is supported


There are two storage modes:


    The value is stored as a float and the unit as a sting.

    i.e. 12 mV is stored as 12.0 and ‘1.0 * mV’


    The value and unit are stored combined together as a string.

    i.e. 12 mV is stored as ‘12.0 * mV’


class pypet.brian.parameter.BrianDurationParameter(full_name, data=None, order=0, comment='', storage_mode='FLOAT')[source]

Special BRIAN parameter to specify orders and durations of subruns.

The NetworkRunner extracts the individual subruns for a given network from such duration parameters. The order of execution is defined by the property v_order. The exact values do not matter only the rank ordering.

A Duration Parameter should be in time units (ms or s, for instance).

DEPRECATED: Please use a normal BrianParameter instead and add the property order to it’s Annotations. No longer use:

>>> subrun = BrianDurationParameter('mysubrun', 10 * s, order=42)

But use:

>>> subrun = BrianParameter('mysubrun', 10 * s)
>>> subrun.v_annotations.order=42


class pypet.brian.parameter.BrianResult(full_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A result class that can handle BRIAN quantities.

Note that only scalar BRIAN quantities are supported, lists, tuples or dictionaries of BRIAN quantities cannot be handled.

Supports also all data supported by the standard Result.

Storage mode works as for BrianParameter.


Float storage mode

IDENTIFIER = '__brn__'

Identifier String to label brian data


String storage mode

f_set_single(name, item)[source]

Sets a single data item of the result.

Raises TypeError if the type of the outer data structure is not understood. Note that the type check is shallow. For example, if the data item is a list, the individual list elements are NOT checked whether their types are appropriate.

  • name – The name of the data item
  • item – The data item


Example usage:

>>> res.f_set_single('answer', 42)
>>> res.f_get('answer')

There are two storage modes:


    The value is stored as a float and the unit as a sting,

    i.e. 12 mV is stored as 12.0 and ‘1.0 * mV’


    The value and unit are stored combined together as a string,

    i.e. 12 mV is stored as ‘12.0 * mV’


class pypet.brian.parameter.BrianMonitorResult(full_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A Result class that supports brian monitors.

Subclasses Result, NOT BrianResult. The storage mode here works slightly different than in BrianResult and BrianParameter, see below.

Monitor attributes are extracted and added as results with the attribute names. Note the original monitors are NOT stored, only their attribute/property values are kept.

Add monitor on __init__ via monitor= or via f_set(monitor=brian_monitor)

IMPORTANT: You can only use 1 result per monitor. Otherwise a ‘TypeError’ is thrown.


>>> brian_result = BrianMonitorResult('example.brian_test_test.mymonitor',
                                        comment='Im a SpikeMonitor Example!')
>>> brian_result.nspikes

There are two storage modes in case you use the SpikeMonitor and StateSpikeMonitor:


    Default, information is stored into a single table where one column contains the neuron index, another the spiketimes and following columns contain variable values (in case of the StateSpikeMonitor) This is a very compact storage form.


    For each neuron there will be a new hdf5 array, i.e. if you have many neurons your result node will have many entries. Note that this mode does sort everything according to the neurons but reading and writing of data might take muuuuuch longer compared to the other mode.

Following monitors are supported and the following values are extraced:

  • SpikeCounter

    • count

      Array of spike counts for each neuron

    • nspikes

      Number of recorded spikes

    • source

      Name of source recorded from as string.

  • VanRossumMetric

    • tau

      Time constant of kernel.

    • tau_unit


    • distance

      A square symmetric matrix containing the distances

    • N

      Number of neurons.

    • source

  • PopulationSpikeCounter

    • delay

      Recording delay

    • nspikes

    • source

  • StateSpikeMonitor

    • delay

    • nspikes

    • source

    • varnames

      Names of recorded variables as tuple of strings.

    • spiketimes_unit


    • variablename_unit

      Unit of recorded variable as a string. ‘variablename’ is mapped to the name of a recorded variable. For instance, if you recorded the membrane potential named ‘vm’ you would get a field named ‘vm_unit’.

    If you use v_storage_mode = TABLE_MODE

    • spikes

      pandas DataFrame containing in the columns:

      ‘neuron’: neuron indices

      ‘spiketimes’: times of spiking

      ‘variablename’: values of the recorded variables

    If you use v_storage_mode = ARRAY_MODE

    • spiketimes_XXX

      spiketimes of neuron ‘XXX’ for each neuron you recorded from. The number of digits used to represent and format the neuron index are chosen automatically.

    • variablename_XXX

      Value of the recorded variable at spiketimes for neuron XXX

    • format_string

      String used to format the neuron index, for example ‘%03d’.

  • PopulationRateMonitor

    • times

      The times of the bins.

    • times_unit


    • rate

      An array of rates in Hz

    • rate_unit


    • source

    • bin

      The duration of a bin (in second).

    • delay

  • ISIHistogramMonitor:

    • source

    • delay

    • nspikes

    • bins

      The bins array passed at initialisation of the monitor.

    • count

      An array of length len(bins) counting how many ISIs were in each bin.

  • SpikeMonitor

    • delay

    • nspikes

    • source

    • spiketimes_unit


    If you use v_storage_mode = TABLE_MODE

    • spikes

      pandas DataFrame containing in the columns:

      ‘neuron’: neuron indices

      ‘spiketimes’: times of spiking

    If you use v_storage_mode = ARRAY_MODE

    • spiketimes_XXX

      spiketimes of neuron ‘XXX’ for each neuron you recorded from. The number of digits used to represent and format the neuron index are chosen automatically.

    • format_string

      String used to format the neuron index, for example ‘%03d’.

  • StateMonitor

    • source

    • record

      What to record. Can be ‘True’ to record from all neurons. A single integer value or a list of integers.

    • when

      When recordings were made, for a list of potential values see BRIAN.

    • timestep

      Integer defining the clock timestep a recording was made.

    • times

      Array of recording times

    • times_unit


    • mean

      Mean value of the state variable for every neuron in the group. Only extracted if mean values are calculated by BRIAN. Note that for newer versions of BRIAN, means and variances are no longer extracted if record is NOT set to False.

    • var

      Unbiased estimated of variances of state variable for each neuron. Only extracted if variance values are calculated by BRIAN.

    • values

      A 2D array of the values of all recorded neurons, each row is a single neuron’s value

    • unit

      The unit of the values as a string

    • varname

      Name of recorded variable

  • MultiStateMonitor

    As above but instead of values and unit, the result contains ‘varname_values’ and ‘varname_unit’, where ‘varname’ is the name of the recorded variable.


Array storage mode, not recommended if you have many neurons!


Table storage mode for SpikeMonitor and StateSpikeMonitor

f_set_single(name, item)[source]

To add a monitor use f_set_single(‘monitor’, brian_monitor).

Otherwise f_set_single works similar to f_set_single().


The type of the stored monitor. Each MonitorResult can only manage a single Monitor.


The storage mode for SpikeMonitor and StateSpikeMonitor

There are two storage modes:


    Default, information is stored into a single table where the first column is the neuron index, second column is the spike time following columns contain variable values (in case of the StateSpikeMonitor) This is a very compact storage form.


    For each neuron there will be a new hdf5 array, i.e. if you have many neurons your result node will have many entries. Note that this mode does sort everything according to the neurons but reading and writing of data might take muuuuuch longer compared to the other mode.