Source code for pypet.utils.helpful_functions

__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

import sys
import os
import datetime
import numpy as np
import inspect
import logging
import socket
    import zmq
except ImportError:
    zmq = None

def is_debug():
    """Checks if user is currently debugging.

    Debugging is checked via ``'pydevd' in sys.modules``.

    :return: True of False

    return 'pydevd' in sys.modules

def flatten_dictionary(nested_dict, separator):
    """Flattens a nested dictionary.

    New keys are concatenations of nested keys with the `separator` in between.

    flat_dict = {}
    for key, val in nested_dict.items():
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            new_flat_dict = flatten_dictionary(val, separator)
            for flat_key, inval in new_flat_dict.items():
                new_key = key + separator + flat_key
                flat_dict[new_key] = inval
            flat_dict[key] = val

    return flat_dict

def nest_dictionary(flat_dict, separator):
    """ Nests a given flat dictionary.

    Nested keys are created by splitting given keys around the `separator`.

    nested_dict = {}
    for key, val in flat_dict.items():
        split_key = key.split(separator)
        act_dict = nested_dict
        final_key = split_key.pop()
        for new_key in split_key:
            if not new_key in act_dict:
                act_dict[new_key] = {}

            act_dict = act_dict[new_key]

        act_dict[final_key] = val
    return nested_dict

class _Progressbar(object):
    """Implements a progress bar.

    This class is supposed to be a singleton. Do not
    import the class itself but use the `progressbar` function from this module.

    def __init__(self):
        self._start_time = None   # Time of start/reset
        self._start_index = None  # Index of start/reset
        self._current_index = np.inf  # Current index
        self._percentage_step = None  # Percentage step for bar update
        self._total = None  # Total steps of the bas (float) not to be mistaken for length
        self._total_minus_one = None  # (int) the above minus 1
        self._length = None  # Length of the percentage bar in `=` signs
        self._norm_factor = None  # Normalization factor
        self._current_interval = None  # The current interval,
        # to check if bar needs to be updated

    def _reset(self, index, total, percentage_step, length):
        """Resets to the progressbar to start a new one"""
        self._start_time =
        self._start_index = index
        self._current_index = index
        self._percentage_step = percentage_step
        self._total = float(total)
        self._total_minus_one = total - 1
        self._length = length
        self._norm_factor = total * percentage_step / 100.0
        self._current_interval = int((index + 1.0) / self._norm_factor)

    def _get_remaining(self, index):
        """Calculates remaining time as a string"""
            current_time =
            time_delta = current_time - self._start_time
                total_seconds = time_delta.total_seconds()
            except AttributeError:
                # for backwards-compatibility
                # Python 2.6 does not support `total_seconds`
                total_seconds = ((time_delta.microseconds +
                                    (time_delta.seconds +
                                     time_delta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10 ** 6) / 10.0 ** 6)
            remaining_seconds = int((self._total - self._start_index - 1.0) *
                                    total_seconds / float(index - self._start_index) -
            remaining_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=remaining_seconds)
            remaining_str = ', remaining: ' + str(remaining_delta)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            remaining_str = ''
        return remaining_str

    def __call__(self, index, total, percentage_step=5, logger='print', log_level=logging.INFO,
                 reprint=False, time=True, length=20, fmt_string=None,  reset=False):
        """Plots a progress bar to the given `logger` for large for loops.

        To be used inside a for-loop at the end of the loop.

        :param index: Current index of for-loop
        :param total: Total size of for-loop
        :param percentage_step: Percentage step with which the bar should be updated
        :param logger:

            Logger to write to, if string 'print' is given, the print statement is
            used. Use None if you don't want to print or log the progressbar statement.

        :param log_level: Log level with which to log.
        :param reprint:

            If no new line should be plotted but carriage return (works only for printing)

        :param time: If the remaining time should be calculated and displayed
        :param length: Length of the bar in `=` signs.
        :param fmt_string:

            A string which contains exactly one `%s` in order to incorporate the progressbar.
            If such a string is given, ``fmt_string % progressbar`` is printed/logged.

        :param reset:

            If the progressbar should be restarted. If progressbar is called with a lower
            index than the one before, the progressbar is automatically restarted.


            The progressbar string or None if the string has not been updated.

        reset = (reset or
                 index <= self._current_index or
                 total != self._total)
        if reset:
            self._reset(index, total, percentage_step, length)

        statement = None
        indexp1 = index + 1.0
        next_interval = int(indexp1 / self._norm_factor)
        ending = index >= self._total_minus_one

        if next_interval > self._current_interval or ending or reset:
            if time:
                remaining_str = self._get_remaining(index)
                remaining_str = ''

            if ending:
                statement = '[' + '=' * self._length +']100.0%'
                bars = int((indexp1 / self._total) * self._length)
                spaces = self._length - bars
                percentage = indexp1 / self._total * 100.0
                if reset:
                    statement = ('[' + '=' * bars +
                                 ' ' * spaces + ']' + ' %4.1f' % percentage + '%')
                    statement = ('[' + '=' * bars +
                                 ' ' * spaces + ']' + ' %4.1f' % percentage + '%' +

            if fmt_string:
                statement = fmt_string % statement
            if logger == 'print':
                if reprint:
                    print('\r' + statement, end='', flush=True)
            elif logger is not None:
                if isinstance(logger, str):
                    logger = logging.getLogger(logger)
                logger.log(msg=statement, level=log_level)

        self._current_interval = next_interval
        self._current_index = index

        return statement

_progressbar = _Progressbar()

[docs]def progressbar(index, total, percentage_step=10, logger='print', log_level=logging.INFO, reprint=True, time=True, length=20, fmt_string=None, reset=False): """Plots a progress bar to the given `logger` for large for loops. To be used inside a for-loop at the end of the loop: .. code-block:: python for irun in range(42): my_costly_job() # Your expensive function progressbar(index=irun, total=42, reprint=True) # shows a growing progressbar There is no initialisation of the progressbar necessary before the for-loop. The progressbar will be reset automatically if used in another for-loop. :param index: Current index of for-loop :param total: Total size of for-loop :param percentage_step: Steps with which the bar should be plotted :param logger: Logger to write to - with level INFO. If string 'print' is given, the print statement is used. Use ``None`` if you don't want to print or log the progressbar statement. :param log_level: Log level with which to log. :param reprint: If no new line should be plotted but carriage return (works only for printing) :param time: If the remaining time should be estimated and displayed :param length: Length of the bar in `=` signs. :param fmt_string: A string which contains exactly one `%s` in order to incorporate the progressbar. If such a string is given, ``fmt_string % progressbar`` is printed/logged. :param reset: If the progressbar should be restarted. If progressbar is called with a lower index than the one before, the progressbar is automatically restarted. :return: The progressbar string or `None` if the string has not been updated. """ return _progressbar(index=index, total=total, percentage_step=percentage_step, logger=logger, log_level=log_level, reprint=reprint, time=time, length=length, fmt_string=fmt_string, reset=reset)
def _get_argspec(func): """Helper function to support both Python versions""" if inspect.isclass(func): func = func.__init__ if not inspect.isfunction(func): # Init function not existing return [], False parameters = inspect.signature(func).parameters args = [] uses_starstar = False for par in parameters.values(): if (par.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD or par.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY): args.append( elif par.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: uses_starstar = True return args, uses_starstar def get_matching_kwargs(func, kwargs): """Takes a function and keyword arguments and returns the ones that can be passed.""" args, uses_startstar = _get_argspec(func) if uses_startstar: return kwargs.copy() else: matching_kwargs = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in args if k in kwargs) return matching_kwargs def result_sort(result_list, start_index=0): """Sorts a list of results in O(n) in place (since every run is unique) :param result_list: List of tuples [(run_idx, res), ...] :param start_index: Index with which to start, every entry before `start_index` is ignored """ if len(result_list) < 2: return result_list to_sort = result_list[start_index:] minmax = [x[0] for x in to_sort] minimum = min(minmax) maximum = max(minmax) #print minimum, maximum sorted_list = [None for _ in range(minimum, maximum + 1)] for elem in to_sort: key = elem[0] - minimum sorted_list[key] = elem idx_count = start_index for elem in sorted_list: if elem is not None: result_list[idx_count] = elem idx_count += 1 return result_list def format_time(timestamp): """Formats timestamp to human readable format""" format_string = '%Y_%m_%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss' formatted_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(format_string) return formatted_time def convert_ipv6(host): if ':' in host: #IP 6 address host = host.split('%')[0] host = '[%s]' % host return host def is_ipv6(url): return '[' in url def port_to_tcp(port=None): """Returns local tcp address for a given `port`, automatic port if `None`""" #address = 'tcp://' + socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn()) domain_name = socket.getfqdn() try: addr_list = socket.getaddrinfo(domain_name, None) except Exception: addr_list = socket.getaddrinfo('', None) family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr = addr_list[0] host = convert_ipv6(sockaddr[0]) address = 'tcp://' + host if port is None: port = () if not isinstance(port, int): # determine port automatically context = zmq.Context() try: socket_ = context.socket(zmq.REP) socket_.ipv6 = is_ipv6(address) port = socket_.bind_to_random_port(address, *port) except Exception: print('Could not connect to {} using {}'.format(address, addr_list)) pypet_root_logger = logging.getLogger('pypet') pypet_root_logger.exception('Could not connect to {}'.format(address)) raise socket_.close() context.term() return address + ':' + str(port)
[docs]def racedirs(path): """Like os.makedirs but takes care about race conditions""" if os.path.isfile(path): raise IOError('Path `%s` is already a file not a directory') while True: try: if os.path.isdir(path): # only break if full path has been created or exists break os.makedirs(path) except EnvironmentError as exc: # Part of the directory path already exist if exc.errno != 17: # This error won't be any good raise